2021-2 - Scientific Petroleum

Scientific Petroleum
Print ISSN: 2789-0163
On-line ISSN: 2789-0988
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Scientific Petroleum 2021, 2
B.A. Suleimanov
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan, Corresponding Member
of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Professor
The article tells about the life and scientific activity of the outstanding Azerbaijani scientist, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Azad Khalilovich Mirzajanzade. A. H. Mirzajanzade is the founder of the school of fundamental science in the field of mechanics, engineering, technology and development of oil and gas fields. It is indicated that he has been doing a lot of scientific, pedagogical and scientific-organizational work for many years. It is noted that the moral and scientific education of young people became Azad Khalilovich's life's purpose. It is indicated that under the leadership of A. H. Mirzajanzade highly qualified personnel was trained not only for Azerbaijan, but also for many other countries. It is emphasized that the ideas of A.H. Mirzajanzade had a serious impact on the development of mechanics, applied mathematics, theory and practice of oil industry.

Keywords: Scientist; Founder; Scientific activity; Teacher; Knowledge; Morality; High culture.

e-mail: Baghir.Suleymanov@socar.az
R.N. Bahtizin
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia,Corresponding Member of Academy of Science of The Republic of Bashkortostan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
The article presents the author's memories of his Teacher, academician A.H. Mirzajanzadeh. It is noted that Azad Khalilovich was a man who influenced the lives of many people. It is emphasized that A.H. Mirzajanzade gave a lot of his time, energy and life to his students, whether they were doctoral, graduate, undergraduate students or schoolchildren. It is noted that the issues of priority in science and technical implementation of scientific results are very important and those who really claim to be called scientists should remember this. It is indicated that the author constantly feels the invisible presence of his Teacher, which helps him in solving scientific problems, in communicating with students, in relationships with friends, in the well-being of his family.

Keywords: Teacher; Scientist; Science; Research; Doctoral student; Graduate student; Student.

e-mail: ramil_bahtizin@mail.ru
М.М. Hasanov
«Gazprom Neft», Moscow, Russia, Honourable Academic of the Academy of Science of The Republic of Bashkortostan, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Professor
The article presents the author's memories of meetings with the outstanding scientist A.H. Mirzajanzade and describes the impression made by Azad Khalilovich on the author. It is emphasized that A. H. Mirzajanzade had a huge influence on the process of formation of his students as scientists. It is noted that Academician A.H. Mirzajanzade was a man of high culture, great spiritual generosity, with an acute sense of self-esteem, cultivating this feeling in his students. The article quotes Socrates, who, exploring the virtues of a good leader, discarded all aspects of his activities, leaving only one – to make happy those whom he leads. The author thanks fate for giving him a meeting with the Teacher Azad Khalilovich Mirzajanzade thirty years ago.

Keywords: Teacher; Student; Generosity; Kindness; Dignity; Culture.

e-mail: pr@gazprom-neft.ru
By academician Azad Khalil Mirzajanzade
A.Kh. Mirzajanzade
e-mail: scientificpetroleum@gmail.com
A.Kh. Mirzajanzade
(originally published in «Azerbaijan oil industry» journal, 1948, No. 11, P. 10-13)
In the AzII named after Azizbekov conducted studies of the physico-chemical properties of clay solutions prepared on seawater and reservoir water. The article considers the influence of these properties on the quality of clay solution. It was found that the clay solution prepared on reservoir water has better qualities compared to the clay solution prepared on seawater. It is shown that the need for chemical reagents for processing clay solution prepared on reservoir water is reduced by 20-50%.
Keywords: Drilling; Viscosity; Filtration; Clay solution; Reservoir water.

e-mail: scientificpetroleum@gmail.com
I.I. Korganov, A.Kh. Mirzajanzade
(originally published in «Transactions (Doklady) of the Azerb. SSR Academy of Sciences» journal, 1952, Vol. 8, No. 2, P. 33-69)
The article is devoted to determining the laws that govern the movement of fluid from the well into the reservoir and back. To study this pattern, the authors conducted experiments on a circular model. Based on the analysis of the experimental results, the following pattern was revealed: when a certain amount of liquid is injected into the reservoir, significantly less repression is required than depression is required when the same amount of liquid is taken from the reservoir. From what has been said, it can be concluded that the pick-up coefficient in all cases is significantly higher than the productivity coefficient. In addition, a certain pattern has been revealed between reservoir pressure and pressure gradients in the bottom-hole zone of the formation. This pattern also lies in the fact that the lower the reservoir pressure, the greater part of the total depression falls on the bottom-hole zone of the formation. This suggests that outside the bottom-hole zone of the formation (critical zone) at low pressure, the value of pressure gradients is insignificant. Therefore, a significant part of the pressure gradients falls on the critical zone. Of course, the work done does not pretend to be a complete study, but it nevertheless shows that the influence of local resistances must also be taken into account in hydrodynamic calculations.

Keywords: Fluid movement; Filtration from the formation into the well; Infiltration into the formation; Bottom-hole zone of the formation; Critical zone; Modeling.

e-mail: scientificpetroleum@gmail.com
A.Kh. Mirzajanzade
(originally published in «Transactions (Doklady) of the Azerb. SSR Academy of Sciences» journal, 1953, Vol. 9, No. 4, P. 203-206)
The article proposes a new formula for determining the penetration depth of clay solution into the formation. This formula, unlike other known formulas, takes into account the effect of porosity and permeability. The article also sets the task of modeling this effect and specifies general ways to solve this issue.

Keywords: Drilling; Formation; Clay solution; Porosity; Permeability; Rressure gradient.

e-mail: scientificpetroleum@gmail.com
B.A. Suleimanov, F.S. Ismayilov, O.A. Dyshin, S.S. Keldibayeva
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan;Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan;KazMunayGas, Aktau, Kazakhstan
Based on statistical analysis, a method of stage-by-stage structuring and allocation of the boundaries of the stages of oil field development is proposed. The procedures for calculating the remaining recoverable reserves and the time to reach the maximum level of current oil production are given. Based on the values of accumulated oil production at the final stage of development, using the adaptive Kalman filter, forecasts of oil production are constructed in discrete time and estimates of the possibility of achieving design indicators with the existing development system are given.

Keywords: Stage-to-stage structuring; Development stages; Forecast of recoverable reserves; Predicted oil production; Kalman filter.

e-mail: Baghir.Suleymanov@socar.az
E.F. Veliyev
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
This paper presents an investigation of softened water application to improve micellar flooding performance in high salinity conditions. The following parameters have been studied: critical micelle concentration, emulsion stability, viscosity and oil recovery factor. It was obtained 11.8% oil recovery increase in micellar flooding while injection of softened water slug.

Keywords: Critical micelle concentration; Micellar flooding; Enhanced oil recovery method.

e-mail: elchinf.veliyev@socar.az
Scientific Petroleum 2021, 2

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