2022 - 2 - Scientific Petroleum

Scientific Petroleum
Print ISSN: 2789-0163
On-line ISSN: 2789-0988
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Scientific Petroleum 2022, 2
M. M. Abubakar, E. H. Ahmadov
Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan
SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
Petrophysical evaluation of the Mars Field in the Dahomey Basin, Nigeria was done to identify and analyze petrophysical properties of the reservoirs in the field. This was achieved by the use of 3 wells from the field. This research determines the lithology, shale volume (Vsh), porosity (Φ), permeability (K), fluid saturation. Two hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs age from three wells were identified which was then subdivided into different levels in this research. The average permeability value of the reservoirs is 20.0140md while porosity value ranges between 18%-39%. Fluid types within the reservoir were identified to be Gas, Oil, Condensate and water based on the Neutron-Density log motif. The petrophysical analysis of the field reveals that reservoir porosity ranges from 11-26%, hydrocarbon saturation ranges from 0.07-0.91, water saturation ranges from 0.93-0.09, volume of shale ranges from 0.09-0.22 and net-to-gross ranges from 0.46-0.878. From this research it was identified that the prolific reservoir within the Dahomey basin is within the Turonian and Cenomanian reservoir with good quality reservoir and producible hydrocarbon saturation.

Keywords:Dahomey/Benin Basin; Petrophysics; Volume of shale; Porosity; Water saturation; Potential reservoir; Turonian; Cenomanian.

*e-mail: abubakar.mohammed@khazar.org
H. I. Shakarov, M. M. Rasulova, E. G. Allahverdiyev, L. F. Hasanova
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan State Oil and İndustrial University, Baku, Azerbaijan
SOCAR, DGG, «Exploration Geophysics» Production Union, Baku, Azerbaijan
In the article reflects the tasks of specifying the geological structure of the site as a result of the analysis of two-dimensional (2D) seismic survey data carried out in the Bulla-deniz area. On the basis of the studies carried out, the shape and dimensions of the Bulla-deniz structure, the planned state and amplitudes of tectonic faults were specified. It has been established that the structure is elongated in the NW-SE direction and changes its direction to the east in the area of the mud volcano. The seismic profile sections show that the seismic record is represented by a weak, sometimes chaotic, complex wave pattern due to the activity of a mud volcano and disjunctive disturbances in the area representing the southern crest part of the structure. There is rarefaction of isohypses from the northern crest part of the Bulla structure in the direction of the SE and NW of the pericline.

Keywords: Seismic exploration; Geological structure; Productive Layer; Tectonic plift; Seismic profile.

*e-mail: hafiz.shekerov@socar.az
A. Sh. Eminov, V. M. Suleymanova, F. S. Ibrahimov
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
Absheronneft NQCI, Baku, Azerbaijan
One of the main tasks facing the oil and gas industry of our republic is the issue of increasing and maintaining oil and gas production rates. The use of traditional impact methods does not allow to fully realize the existing potential of reserves that are difficult to extract. The article provides an analysis of the increase in production due to the drilling of wells completed with a ready-made filter on the example of the «Garbi Absheron» field.

Keywords: Field; Hard-to-recover reserves; Production; Well; Filter.

*e-mail: adalat.eminov@socar.az
F. F. Ahmad, G. G. Gaibaliyev
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
Baku Higher Oil School, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
Since most of the fields in the Absheron peninsula of the Republic of Azerbaijan are at the final stage of development, an inevitable reduction in hydrocarbon production is expected. It is planned to support oil production at the current level through the reconstruction of wells of the inactive fund. An increase in the proportion of formation water in well production, the presence of intra-reservoir, annulus and other cross-flows in this region, in most cases, is associated with inefficient isolation work. The development of effective recipes for cement slurries with controlled rheological properties is relevant. To regulate the rheological properties of cement slurries, the products of the company «Matanat A» «İzo-Sem» were used as an additive. In the course of the experiments, the influence of «İzo-Sem» dispersions on the physicochemical parameters of the cement stone was studied. When regulating the rheological properties of cement slurries with «İzo-Sem» additives, it is necessary to determine the effect of thermobaric factors on the values of these properties. In studies to assess the effect of temperature on the rheological properties of cement slurries with the addition of «İzo-Sem», they were carried out for the temperature range of 25÷75 °C. Dry mix of grout cement G-CC-1 (APİ Spec 10A Class G-HSR) was used in the studies.

Keywords: Cement; Insulating additive; Plastic viscosity; Shear stress; Bottomhole zone; Thixotropy; Dispersed systems; Thermobaric factors.

T. F. Ibadzada
«OilGasScientificResarchProject» Institution, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
In the article, based on the data of the fields in the final stage of exploitation, the most important complications that occurred during the production period and the methods of preventing these complications in the modern period were investigated. In particular, the methods of preventing of the sand plug and flooding, which are the main problems in this type of fields, were investigated and the significance of these methods of selective control against flooding was investigated, the most successful ones among these methods were shown, the hardening of the bottom hole against sand plug and the use of sand control screen in modern times were considered, in the hardening of the bottom hole the use of resin-containing components is mentioned.

Keywords: Complications; Sand plug; Flooding; Chemical hardening; Waterproofing.

e-mail: terlan.ibadzade95@gmail.com
А. Q. Qayibova, M. M. Аbbasov
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan State Oil Industry Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan
The world's oil companies currently produce an average of three tons of water for every ton of oil extracted from depleting reservoirs. In Azerbaijani fields, this figure is 15 tons of water per 1 ton of oil. During repair and isolation work in production wells, it is necessary to use such water-proofing materials that selectively reduce the amount of water produced from the well, without reducing the oil production rate. the problem arose of creating a polymer cement composition based on urea-formaldehyde resin using an available catalyst (hardener) that eliminates the above disadvantages. Firstly, it was necessary to expand the temperature range, in connection with this, an aqueous 2% hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution was chosen with the addition of 5.0 to 13.0 % by weight of urea-formaldehyde resin, for temperatures from 20÷75 °С.

Keywords: Insulation; Polymer; Hydrochloric acid; Urea-formaldehyde resin; Chromium metal salts.

*e-mail: nurlanaqayibova@gmail.com
Kh. M. Ibragimov, А. Q. Gurbanov, F. K. Kazımov, A. F. Akberova
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
Umid Babek Operation Company (UBOC), Баku, Azerbaijan
The paper discusses the development of a silicon-dioxide based back plugging material with a controllable gelling period, which provides selective isolation of highly permeable areas of the bottomhole zone (BHZ) in production wells. The optimal composition, concentration and mixing procedure of the components for the gelling process based on the reaction between sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) were determined. Also gel formation, beginning and end of solidification, temperature and baric barometric dependences of the process were studied at the best power mixture ratios.  In addition, the effect of the gelling composition with the optimal composition on the permeability of the layers was studied by checking the layered formation model. It was determined that in certain concentrations and ratios of Na2SiO3 and HCl solutions, a gelling composition is formed, and it is possible to use this composition for the selective isolation of reservoir waters.

Keywords: Well bottom zone; Gel; composition; Reservoir model; Hydrochloric acid; Liquid glass; Water flooding; Permeability; Selective isolation.

*e-mail: khidir.ibrahimov@socar.az
U. Z. Aliyeva, Z. S. Gadirov, A. Y. Dzhomardov
Transport Department, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
The article is devoted to the issues of technology and economic indicators of UGS facilities of peak and reserve types. Calculation of options for creating peak gas storage facilities, differing in storage volumes and daily gas withdrawals. Determination and use of physical and dynamic parameters of a porous medium in the development of gas condensate deposits. Determining the technological parameters of the well-fluid system - gas distribution point (GRP), gas flow in the well, through the pipeline, the maximum allowable drawdown, the total volume of gas storage and the productivity of UGS facilities during gas extraction and injection.

Keywords: Calculation; Gas movement; Deposits; Storage; Tolerable depression; Dynamic options.

U. Z. Aliyeva
Transport Department, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
The article is devoted to the development of innovative activity of industrial enterprises in the conditions of new industrialization, which determine the survival of a science-intensive business through the activation of the development and implementation of high-quality R&D, capable of creating high-demand science-intensive products both at the national and global levels. In the article, the authors expand the traditional approach to understanding innovation by introducing a new concept into scientific circulation - «innovative validity». On the basis of a comparative criteria analysis of such basic definitions of innovation management as innovation potential, innovation activity, innovation susceptibility, the place of innovation consistency in the practice of industrial enterprises is clarified, while it is justified that it is an evolutionary stage in the development of innovation activity in the chain innovation potential - innovation activity – innovative susceptibility – innovative viability. The article highlights the distinctive features of the innovative viability of a science-intensive business and offers a number of recommendations aimed at its institutionalization.

Keywords: Innovation; Business; Innovative opportunity; Innovative potential; Innovative activity; Sensitivity to innovation; Industrial enterprise.

Scientific Petroleum 2022, 2

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