2022 - 1 - Scientific Petroleum

Scientific Petroleum
Print ISSN: 2789-0163
On-line ISSN: 2789-0988
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Scientific Petroleum 2022, 1
E.H. Ahmadov
SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
The article is devoted to the evaluation of hydrocarbon reserves and resources with new approaches of Productive Layer sediments in the Azerbaijan sector of the South Caspian Basin. In the research work, hydrocarbon reserves of the oil and gas and gas condensate fields of the SCB were calculated by Monte Carlo method and distribution regularities on cross-section have been studied. Hydrocarbon resources in the basin were evaluated using a completely new approach-unconventional method. The proposed approaches are very important in determining the sequence of exploration work in such basins and in
formulating the exploration strategy of the field.

Keywords: Basin; Reserve; Resource; Exploration; Field; Formation; Bayes method.

N.A. Imamverdiyev, M.Y. Hasanguliyeva
Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Institute of Geology and Geophysics ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan

The role of the process of fractional crystallization in the formation of Neogene volcanism in the central part of the Lesser Caucasus is discussed in the article. It was found that in the formation of rocks of the andesite-dasite-rhyolite association found in the central part of the Lesser Caucasus, the role of rock-forming minerals in intermediate foci - plagioclase, clinopyroxene, amphibole, olso titanium magnetite, apatite is quite large. Based on computer modeling, it was determined that the calcium-alkali trend of the andesite-dasite-riolit series is controlled not only by the fractionation of magnetite, but
also by the crystallization of hornblende with a high Fe/Mg ratio and unsaturated with SiO2. Hornblen's early crystallization is a key factor in the formation of the calc-alkaline series during the evolution of Neogene magmatism.

Keywords: Central part of the; Lesser Caucasus; Neogene volcanism; Fractional crystallization; Hornblende crystallization.

S.V. Kerimov, V.M. Suleymanova, S.O. Heydarli
«Azneft» PU, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
Despite the fact that the area is in a long-term development, its prospects are closely related to the refinement of the geological structure and the study of the section of productive deposits. The complex tectonic structure of the structures located in the northwest of the Absheron archipelago does not allow for an accurate determination of the boundaries of the distribution of deposits, including the Qala suite. For this article, new structural maps were compiled based on a comparison of numerous geological and geophysical profiles and well logs. The areas of distribution of sedimentary deposits of QaS have been clarified, and drilling of an appraisal (exploratory) well 1202 has been proposed in order to clarify the tectonic structure of the area.

Keywords: Reservoir; Sediment; Fault; Well; Block; Overthrust; Correlation.

e-mail: servan.heydarli@gmail.com
H.I. Shakarov, L.F. Qasanova, M.М. Rasulova
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan State Oil and İndustrial University, Baku, Azerbaijan
The Zardab – Shikhbagi area is located on the northeastern slope of the Yevlag – Agjabedi depression and on the southeastern wing of the Saatli – Goychai uplift zone. Based on the conducted geological and geophysical, research and data from exploration drilling, it was established that in the geological structure of the Zardab-Shykhbagi area, deposits from Quaternary to Lower Cretaceous inclusive are involved. The article commented on some data from 3D seismic surveys carried out at Zardab - Shykhbagi and related fields. The changes in the parameters of seismic waves are analyzed on the basis of time and dynamic depth sections drawn up in different directions. In accordance with various stratigraphic sections, intervals were identified and they were interpreted. Based on the performed studies, the presence of favorable geological conditions for the formation of anticline and non–anticline traps, which can be considered promising from the point of view of oil and gas potential at the Zardab - Shikhbagi field, was predicted.

Keywords: Seismic exploration; Oil and gas potential; Time section; Dynamic and deep section; Anticline and non-anticline

e-mail: hafiz.shekerov@socar.az
S.O. Heydarli
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is one of the oldest oil and gas producing regions in the world. Industrial development of oil fields has been started here since the second half of the 19th century. The article examines the current state of the fields that have been under development for a long time and identifies modern problems. Solutions to these problems have been explored. Our research objects are Darwin Bank, Pirallahi Island and Gurgan-Deniz fields on the Western Absheron-South anticline line. All three fields have been under development for a long time and have sufficient residual reserves. The study of the current state of oil and gas fields, which have been under development in our country for a long time, shows that it is necessary to take the right approach to identifying ways of efficient use resources. During the development process, the geological parameters of oil and gas fields are subject to certain changes. These changes can be both regular and in various forms. Issues that are important for the effective completion of the long-term development of oil and gas fields which we researching have been studied and identified. Geological-geophysical data were collected and systematized to clarify the structural-tectonic, lithofacial features and substantiate the ways of effective development of resources. The geological structure and structural tectonic features of the deposits have been clarified and structural maps have been compiled. 3D geological model of the deposits has been compiled, lithofacial features have been determined and lithofacial model has been constructed. The characteristics of tectonic faults were determined, the reserves were redefined and geological risks were assessed.

Keywords: Field; Geological model; Structural map; Productive series; Development; Exploitation.

e-mail: servan.heydarli@gmail.com
F.F. Veliyev
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
New polyacrylate, polyethylacrylate, Poly-2-hydroxyethylacrylate polymers were synthesized and their effects on the parameters of drilling fluids were studied. It was found that the addition of 0.2% of polymers reduced the free water of the solutions. One of the advantages of this polymer is that it is effective in different environments (both acidic and alkaline). These polymers also retain their weight at high temperatures.

Keywords: Polymer; Monomer; Polysaccharide; Oligosaccharide; Polyphosphate.

e-mail: fuadfamilvaliyev@gmail.com
V.J. Abdullayev
«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
Offshore gas conditioning and its controlled injection to gas-lift wells is difficult and process-critical. On the other hand, maintaining the bottomhole pressure in gas-lift wells is an important technological issue. The article is devoted to the development of a special borehole installation - flow regulator that controls the supply (injection) of gas to the gas-lift well and that ensures the bottomhole pressure in the well is maintained at a provided value.

Keywords: Gas lift well; Pressure gradient; Flow regulator; Liquid-gas mixture; Valve.

e-mail: vugar.abdullayev@socar.az
U.S. Nazarov, N.S. Salidjanova, Sh.M. Nashvandov, O.I. Xidirov
JSC «O’ZLITINEFTGAZ», Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The development of oil fields with the maintenance of reservoir pressure by pumping water without antibacterial preparation leads to widespread infection by microorganisms of oil-field waters that circulate in the res-ervoir system – surface equipment. In this aspect, it was interesting to conduct research on the identification and identification of microorgan-isms of metal destructors of field installations, as well as oil itself on specific microbiological media intended for various groups of microor-ganisms causing biocorrosion of pipelines. In this regard, the biocenosis of samples of water, oil, scrapers from oilfield pipelines, selected in dif-ferent seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn, was studied. In order to solve the problem of eliminating corrosive processes caused by certain groups of microorganisms, the influence of a number of effective bacte-ricides on the viability of bacteria has been tested, recommendations for their use have been developed.

Keywords: Aggressive envi-ronment;Biocenosis; Biocorrosion; Reagent; Recommendations.

e-mail: sh.nashvandov@liting.uz
Scientific Petroleum 2022, 1

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