2021-1 - Scientific Petroleum

Scientific Petroleum
Print ISSN: 2789-0163
On-line ISSN: 2789-0988
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Scientific Petroleum 2021, 1
N.A. Imamverdiyev, M.Y. Hasanguliyeva
Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan;
Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
The article considers the formation of Neogene volcanism in the central part of the Lesser Caucasus on the basis of geochemical features. It was found that in the andesite-dasite-rhyolite association rocks, where volcanism is expressed, light lanthanides predominate over weight, and therefore the La/Sm, La/Yb ratios are high. In medium rocks (quartz latites, andesites) the Eu/Eu* ratio is close to unity (Eu/Eu* = 0.94-1.05), in more acidic rocks the weak Eu-minimum (Eu/Eu* = 0.58-0 ,63) and indicates the fractionation of plagioclase in the formation of acidic rocks. Enrichment melts and fluids with a relatively high melting point caused the increase of Ba/Y, Rb/Y, Th/Yb, Nb/Y, Nb/Yb ratios in the association rocks and their enrichment with Ba, Sr, rare earth elements. It was concluded that the source of the enriched mantle played a key role in the formation of andesite-dasite-riolite association rocks of the central part of the Lesser Caucasus.

Keywords: Central part of the Lesser Caucasus, Neogene volcanism, distribution of rare earth and rare elements, source of enriched mantle.

e-mail: inazim17@yahoo.com
 H.I. Shakarov, M.M. Isgandarov, A.H. Abuzarova, Y.H. Kerimova, A.S. Humbatov
"OilGasScientificResearchProjekt" İnstitute, Socar, Baku, Azerbaijan
In order to analyze the changes in the parameters of the main reservoir parameters by area and depth at the Pirallahi adasy field, the results of the interpretation of core and logging data were used. For this, the data from well logging and the results of core analysis over the area were collected and analyzed. The results of interpretation of the data of complex well logging studies of wells carried out at the field and the results of analysis of core materials are systematized, statistical analysis is carried out. In the section of each well, reservoirs were identified, characterized by reservoir properties for the KS and PK formations, their porosity, clay content, oil and gas saturation, and permeability were determined. The weighted average values of these parameters for individual wells were calculated and distribution graphs were drawn up. Dependences are established between the parameters of the filtration-capacitive characteristics and correlations are built. The graphs of dependence are built between the parameters characterizing the reservoir characteristics, porosity and clay content, permeability and porosity in the KS and PK formations. As a result of the studies carried out, it can be noted that the Pirallahi adasi field, despite the fact that it has been in operation for a long time, the obtained results of the well logging data interpretation for the KS and PK formations, the identified reservoirs have high properties that the hydrocarbon reserves of the field have not been exhausted. Taking into account the above, it is more expedient to continue drilling and development of new wells in the best possible way, choosing the optimal well network at the Pirallahi adasy field.

Keywords: well logging; reservoir characteristics; permeability and porosity; interpretation of core and logging data.
e-mail: mahal.isgenderov@socar.az
Y.A. Latifov
SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
A new technology has been developed to stimulate a reservoir making use of a thermoactive polymer composition. The cyclic injection of the reagent allows you to change the direction, speed of flow, create non-stationary waveform pressure. Under the influence of shifts of positive and negative pressure drops in the formation occurs redistribution of formation fluids, reduction of capillary pressures and the presence of a working agent in oil-saturated low-permeability zone. It has been experimentally established that with a non-stationary effect of the proposed composition, the filtration profile is levelled due to the deep penetration of the composition into the formation and an increase in the residual resistance factor of high water cut zones. Experimentally determined growth coefficient of displacement for stratified heterogeneous formation with overflows reaches 19.5%.

Keywords: Thermoactive polymer composition, non-stationary action, flow, capillary pressure, water cut zones

e-mail: yashar.latifov@socar.az
S.J. Rzaeva
"OilGasScientificResearchProjekt" İnstitute, Socar, Baku, Azerbaijan
The article considers the formation of Neogene volcanism in the central part of the Lesser Caucasus on the basis of geochemical features. It was found that in the andesite-dasite-rhyolite association rocks, where volcanism is expressed, light lanthanides predominate over weight, and therefore the La/Sm, La/Yb ratios are high. In medium rocks (quartz latites, andesites) the Eu/Eu* ratio is close to unity (Eu/Eu* = 0.94-1.05), in more acidic rocks the weak Eu-minimum (Eu/Eu* = 0.58-0 ,63) and indicates the fractionation of plagioclase in the formation of acidic rocks. Enrichment melts and fluids with a relatively high melting point caused the increase of Ba/Y, Rb/Y, Th/Yb, Nb/Y, Nb/Yb ratios in the association rocks and their enrichment with Ba, Sr, rare earth elements. It was concluded that the source of the enriched mantle played a key role in the formation of andesite-dasite-riolite association rocks of the central part of the Lesser Caucasus.

Keywords: Central part of the Lesser Caucasus, Neogene volcanism, distribution of rare earth and rare elements, source of enriched mantle.

e-mail: inazim17@yahoo.com
Kh.M. Ibrahimov, N.I. Huseynova, A.A. Hajiyev
«OilGasScientificResearchProject», SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
The article are showed the theoretical, laboratory-experimental and field studies results, which related with the developing and using of the new approaches for determining the injected water moving direction and distribution in the productive formation. The researching results were tested at the oilfield "Neft Dashlary" (X horizon). In the selected area of the oilfield "Neft Dashlary", the benefit from the calculation method using amounted to 62.9 thousand manats.

Keywords: diagnostics, filtration, monitoring, streamlines, oil recovery, tracer, impact, productive formations
e-mail: Khidir.Ibrahimov@socar.az
Development and application of a new composition to control mineral salt depositions in oilfield equipment
 O.D. Ismayilov
Socar, Baku, Azerbaijan
Scaling is one of the many problems in oil production. The hardness deposition on the interior face of pipelines reduces the effective diameter, degrades the flow capacity and in some cases leads to complete blockage of the pipes. The source of hardness deposition is the formation water produced together with oil. Mixing of chemically incompatible with each other waters of different composition, changes in temperature, pressure and the separation of gases lead to hardness deposition. To prevent the formation of deposits of mineral salts in oil and gas production based on hydrochloric acid, Dispersant EC 9660A, Laprol 4202-2B-30 and water, a new composition was developed and tested in the field named after G.Z. Tagiyev in the produced water treatment facility. The outcomes of the implementation confirmed the effectiveness of the developed composition.
Keywords: salt deposition, hydrochloric acid, paraffin-resin deposits, surface tension, protective effect of inhibitors

e-mail: orkhan.d.ismayilov@socar.az
 V.J. Abdullayev
"OilGasScientificResearchProjekt" İnstitute, Socar, Baku, Azerbaijan
The article presents a benchmarking analysis of the complex well body structure effect on the hydraulic parameters of the liquid-gas flow pattern in deviated wells. The difference between the consumption of the working agent (gas) required to lift the same amount of liquid from the same depth in vertical and inclined gas-lift wells is shown. Considering the complexity of the hydrodynamic flow properties in deviated wells, the impossibility of analytical flow simulation, the article provides the problem study using statistical methods and gives its practical solution. The article presents a mathematical expression to determine the dynamic pressure gradient using this method, that is, by group calculation of indicators of gas-lift wells with an deviated body, and its numerical value was found.
Keywords: vertical and deviated gas-lift wells; pressure drop; special gas flow rate; gas-liquid mixture.
e-mail: vugar.abdullayev@socar.az
 R.H. Ismayilov, P.A.Fatullayeva
"OilGasScientificResearchProjekt" İnstitute, Socar, Baku, Azerbaijan
Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, NAS of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan
This research includes synthesis and characterization of transition metal complexes of Cu (II), Co (II) and Ni (II) with hydrazone Schiff base ligand. Schiff base lagand was synthesized by reaction of malonic ester dihydrazide and 5-bromo salicylaldehyde. The structure of obtained complexes was studied by IR and electron spectroscopy.

Keywords: hydrazone Schiff base ligand; copper complex; nickel complex; cobalt complex; IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy.
e-mail: inazim17@yahoo.com
Scientific Petroleum 2021, 1

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